Get Involved

Whether you’ve got a minute, a morning, or a month help spread important work of the Anti-Tribalism Movement by telling your friends and family about us.
It is in our best interest as a community and society for us to speak up when we see a tribalistic incident. Bystanders may not always be the cause of intolerance, but they have the power to stop it. That is why we believe a genuine conversation and sincere effort can combat tribalism one mind and one action at a time.
Whether it’s supporting our events, doing essential admin in the office or working directly with our beneficiaries on our programmes, our volunteers have a huge impact on the lives of our service users.
It is in the interest of us all to do something when we see a tribalistic incident. Bystanders may not always be the cause of intolerance but they have the power to stop it.
Please remember that we are a charity that relies on donations to carry out our work. Any donation no matter how small helps.
We are a strong believer in the power of partnership-working. Through our partnerships we’ve been able to deliver direct impacts to the communities we serve and achieve a wider impact for our society.